It is cold, snowy, and icy in Connecticut in February. We had some preparations to make for Bella's arrival. First and foremost was snowblowing a path to the gate to her paddock! We had about 3 feet of snow this winter, and the gate to the upper paddock was never cleaned out, because it didn't need to be. And I had to get a heated bucket for Bella.
I had a chat with my 4 girls, Lakota, Jen, Whinney and April and explained to them about Bella's arrival. Yep, you may think I'm a little daft, but so it is. I find that if I talk to them, they are far more willing to accept whatever I'm offering. The only anxiety I picked up on from talking to them, was Jen was worried that she was being replaced, and would no longer be my daughters horse. I assured her that wasn't so, Jen would always be Amanda's horse. With that, Jen dropped her nose to her knees, blew, shook her head, licked and chewed, and then walked on off with the rest of the herd. I no longer doubt that they know what I'm talking about.
I also sent the vision of my 4 girls to Bella, and described them to her, and where she would be living, and what it was like here.
Like many animal owners, I doubt my own abilities, so I asked Mary P, an amateur animal communicator, to chat with Bella and let her know what was going on. Mary has spoken to many of my animals over the years, dogs, horses, and even my goose, Bunner, and my fish, Smith. Those were some interesting conversations!
In any event, here is a transcript of what Mary had to say after speaking with Bella.
First I will talk with Belle:
Oh, she's got the sweetest, most surprising personality! She's got a twinkle in her eye, and she says she knows someone's going to get her out of her current situation. She's completely trusting of the human race, or what she knows of it, or maybe I should say of the universe.
It's like something already whispered in her ear and said we're coming for you, we've got something nice for you.
I am explaining it to her like you said: she's going somewhere it's colder, and there are other horses, and it's a happy safe farm with love and care. She will have to be trailered to get there, but once she arrives she can stay in her own area until she and the other horses get used to one another.
She wants to know is the food any good. I am telling her from what I know it's very nice food.
Do you want me to tell you about the other horses, or see if they would like to know about you before you arrive? I am asking her.
For some reason she knows they're all girls.
Yes, that's right: Jen, Lakota, Whinney, and April. I am saying their names to her and showing her mental pictures. (I am showing her Michelle in the pictures too because she was in the photos!)
That is your new person, I am saying.
She is telling me she'll fit right in -- I don't know why she's so sure but she says we are all the same. Maybe it's the light colors and thick winter coats! I don't know, but she's not concerned. It's like she's already there in a way.
This is kind of a strange communication but I'm just going with what I get here.
I am now asking Lakota to talk.
I am telling her a new horse is coming, and she doesn't seem very surprised -- she says well we have enough food here, that's OK.
I am asking if she and the other girls can be nice to the new horse, because in the place she's at now the other horses are picking on her.
The way Lakota shows me, the new horse will wait her turn but it'll be OK, she'll GET a turn. She shows me Belle standing over to the side waiting nicely. I feel like she sees Belle as nice but not very assertive (which is probably wise when you are new and still finding your place). Maybe you will arrange things so everyone gets a space to eat undisturbed.
Now Jen:
Jen says it is OK "as long as no one takes MY food."
So that's a reasonable rule.
We are hoping nobody picks on Belle, I am telling her. She is an older horse and needs a good home with peaceful horses.
Jen seems to be showing me she intends to play defense and make sure nobody gets between her and her dinner (or whatever it is she values) but she has no intention of going on the offense.
That's fair enough too.
So here's Whinney:
Whinney seems to think she'll be Belle's friend. Wasn't she also nice to Leroy? I can't remember now. I know Ana liked him. Anyway, now Whinney's willing to befriend Belle. It'll be a quiet thing, just proximity and company but that means a lot to horses and of course ponies too -- shared space.
And April:
April is curious but will probably keep her distance. She shows me she'll just watch and that's fine. She doesn't seem to expect any trouble, though. She's got a picture of Belle in her mind already, and in everyone's pictures Belle is just standing in one place watching, friendly demeanor, not pushing at all.
So back to Belle:
Did you listen in to that? I am asking her.
Yes, that'll be fine, she's saying. She seems to like the idea of being separate for a while, if not indefinitely. She's very mild, very willing to accept whatever you have for her, and very comfortable about it. It's real strange, her serenity, but I think it is real and it's just how she is. Maybe this other lady treated her wonderfully well and she feels loved inside her heart and carries that with her wherever she goes.
I will be interested to see how things work when she arrives and gets settled, but it feels fine right now. Good luck!
Mary P.