Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bella's Second Reiki/NMR Session

Hi Michelle.

Bella and I had a very fruitful session.

I began with Reiki and then gentle rocking rocking from front to back.

Like last week, I was fairly quickly drawn to her left shoulder. But rather than beginning at her hind, I began at the shoulder. Her whole body felt tense, but not nearly as tense as last week, and she released the tension fairly quickly.

I did Reiki with the left shoulder and then took it in very small, gentle circles, to show her the possible range of motion. At one point, I had one hand on her withers, one at the bottom of her shoulder and I was showing her the relationship between these two body parts. 

I then gently worked with her vertebrae and with the muscles along her spine (lifting and holding).

Still on her left side, I then worked with her ribs, mostly working on a very gentle bend, which she was able to do (which I took to mean that the right side, which had been extremely tight last week, had substantially released). 

I then moved to her lower back and gently "bent" her hind end around the L/S joint. OK, that sounds weird. It's a tiny, tiny movement. I bring the hind end towards me, with one hand on the lower back. It shows the animal the relationship between these parts and reminds them that the L/S joint is a joint, that it can move. 

Then I moved to her right side. 

I began with her hip and L/S joint, then moved to her ribs, then to her withers and shoulder. (I worked with these areas in similar fashion to how I had worked with the left side.)

Next, I took her sternum in large, smooth circles. Then, breathing deeply (to really open up her energy flow), I gently rocked her front to back from her sternum. Very nice, smooth, free movement.

Standing behind her, I played with her pelvis for a minute (pelvic tilts) and then visualized healing traveling up her spine to her poll.

Finally, I lifted and held the muscles of her neck and, as I did last week, said a prayer for a release of any tension around the vertebrae of her neck. (Has he neck movement improved at all?)

Let me know what you think, see, feel, hear. Thank you for allowing me to work with her. She is a real joy.

Be well,


Pam Sourelis
Reiki - Animal Communication - Neuromuscular Retraining
Assisting compassionate animal lovers who want to help their animals heal

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